Friday, September 30, 2011

My first Olympic distance triathlon.....triathlon distance basics

Well the last opportunity for an Olympic distance triathlon (often referred to as an "oly") anywhere near home coincided with the weekend we rode the MS 150 the second week of September.  Other choices were slated to be states away and I'm not to the stage of travelling to race.  I've heard the Nash Vegas tri in Nashville is a good one.  Hoping to hit it next year if it doesn't conflict again with the MS 150.  That said, I felt it was time to get creative....  I'm pleased to announce the 1st annual Doktirbob's Homegrown Oly tri September 16th, 2011 went well. 1.  Since it was my first time to do these distances together, my time of 3 hrs 17 minutes was my best.  Had hoped to break 3 hours, but now I have a definite goal. 

The Olympic distance (1.5km/0.93 mile swim, 40km/24.8 mile bike, 10km/6.2 mile run, total distance 51.5km/31.93 miles) is the shortest standardized distance triathlon.  "Sprint" distance tri's have each segment's distance set at the discretion of the race organizer.  The swim can range anywhere from 150-800 yards in a pool or open water (usually 750 meters), a bike ride of 3-15 miles (usually 20km/12.4 miles) and a run of 1-5 miles (usually 5km/ 3.1 miles).  Beyond Olympic there are two other standardized race distances the "Half Ironman" or Ironman 70.3 (being 70.3 miles total distance) and the grand daddy "Ironman" distance (at 140.6 total miles).  The Half Ironman distance includes a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride and a half marathon run of 13.1 miles.  The Ironman is double these distances.  Please see the Wikipedia review of the sport for more details

I review these things for you to say that triathlon and cycling have been great motivators for me in an organized approach to weight loss/control and general fitness.  It is vital that you do something that is reasonable to start with and advance as you are able.  As an example, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a great way to get in shape, but it's not for me.  Regardless of the fitness option you choose, I would suggest setting both short and long term goals.  Shoot for something just out of reach and work toward it.  Once that goal is reached, reassess and set another goal to maintain or reach further.  Many people set an "end goal" with nothing between.  Without short term goals, if the "end goal" is not reached anything short can be seen as a failure.  My "end goal" is to complete an Iron distance triathlon (hopefully within 2 years).  Christmas 2009 my goal was to complete a sprint distance tri in May of 2010, and so on.  I realize my body, schedule, life may not allow me to reach my end goal of an Ironman, but with the intermediate or short term goals victories can be won along the way hopefully making me a better person in the process. 

A friend of mine is considering an exercise regimen with little or no aerobic activity going on right now.  I suggested that they start walking in place in their living room walking in place with larger than normal swings of the arms and lifting of the legs for 5 minutes a day 4-6 days a week.  First goal: do this CONSISTENTLY 4-6 days/week to establish the habit of exercise.  If they can establish that routine for 1-3 weeks, it will be easy to build up to 10 minutes and later 20, then increase intensity.  When I started riding my first road bicycle in the winter of 2009 I thought I was going to die after 7 miles at 10 miles/hr.  But I had to start somewhere.  We all do.  Once a consistent pattern is developed, the sky is the limit.  Remember it's not complicated: Eat Right and Exercise (or as my Dad says Eat Less and Move More).  Good success to you!!!
Riding mountain bikes at Hillman Ferry (Land Between the Lakes, TN)

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