Well, I've fallen prey to the procrastination monster terribly. I keep putting off posts because of the things I want to share and then something else comes along. One of our family's favorite quotes from the movie The Spiderwick Chronicles.....is "Bird!" shouted by one character always in midthought/midsentence whenever (easily) distracted by a nearby bird he'd love to eat.
I WILL update in more detail, but athletic events since my last post:
3/31/12: Andrew Jackson half marathon
4/7/12: Tour de Griz
4/22/12: IM 70.3 in New Orleans
5/12/12: Strawberry Festival 10k
5/19/12: Memphis in May Sprint triathlon
5/20/12: Memphis in May Olympic distance triathlon
9/1/12: Sunrise Century bike ride in Clarksville, TN
upcoming: 9/8-9/12: MS150 bike ride in Tunica, MS
Life has certainly been busy, which has gotten me off track somewhat training wise, and I have also "fallen off the wagon" with MyFitnessPal over the past few months....guess what?...pounds started creeping back on. I look forward to bringing more detail to these updates, even if for my own recollection, but I still hope and pray others will benefit from the struggles and successes they read about here.
See you soon!